
How to Create High-Quality Leads with Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Meg Hopkins • Mar 05, 2020


One easy step to remember when creating Custom and Lookalike Audiences in Facebook

What is ‘The Rule of 1,000’ and why is it so important? How can you use it to target users who are most likely to engage with your business?

In order to understand ‘The Rule of 1,000’, we have to understand Custom and Lookalike Audiences that you can create to target through Facebook Ads. 

Custom Audiences, also referred to as match or source audiences, give you the power to build your reach by targeting people who have already interacted with your business. Custom Audiences can be created from customer lists like newsletter subscribers or past customers, website traffic, or people who have already engaged with your business on Facebook or Instagram. 

Most importantly, Custom Audiences can be used to create Lookalike Audiences.

Lookalike Audiences can include new potential fans, followers, and customers who share key characteristics with your existing following, your Custom Audience. With Lookalike Audiences, you are able to target people, or leads, who are most likely to be interested in your business, engage with you through Social Media and become loyal customers.

When compiling data for your Custom Audience, you must always remember ‘The Rule of 1,000’. 

When creating a Custom Audience, you must have at least 100 users. Again, those users can be your newsletter subscribers, past customers or people who have liked your Facebook page. With an audience that size, your Lookalike Audience will more closely match your Custom Audience but will not have the impacted reach you were hoping for. 

The same thing can be said for the opposite. If you create a Custom Audience made up of every single user, say 50,000 leads, that has interacted with your business, then you will have a larger reach but your rate of engagement will decline. 

In order to obtain high quality leads and increase the probability that you will reach an audience who will interact with your business, buy your products and in turn help spread awareness, your Custom Audience should be made up of 1,000 of your best and most engaged users. 

‘The Rule of 1,000’ ensures that your Lookalike Audience shares a certain level of similarity to your Custom Audience, which will lead you to better results and a higher engagement rate. It will also allow you to minimize your ad spend and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

So, when you want to reach new potential leads with Facebook Ads, start with creating a Custom Audience made up of at least 1,000 of your current followers. Then you can create a Lookalike Audience that shares key characteristics and will in turn engage with your business and become loyal customers. 

Always remember ‘The Rule of 1,000’, an easy way to generate new high-quality leads for your business! 

If this was helpful and you want to learn more, be sure to check out ‘10 Steps to Boosting Email Newsletter Subscriber Lists with Facebook and Instagram Advertising’, to learn how to create even smarter Lookalike Audiences and gain even more high-quality leads. 

How to Create High-Quality Leads with Facebook Lookalike Audiences



Should I Build My Own Website?
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If you’re ready to grow your business online you’re going to need more than just a landing page. What you need is a website that turns casual visitors into raving fans. With all the DIY methods and hacks out there, it’s tempting to think building a website is a simple, straightforward process. While you don’t need to know how to code to use some website builders, their drag-and-drop tools can still be tricky and confusing. There’s a learning curve to these platforms, and that’s something they never mention when they talk about building successful websites with their software. And why would they? The truth is, building a website on your own can become a major time-suck and cause a great deal of stress. You might have every intention of building a simple website, but if you’re not careful, you can end up going down rabbit holes that cost your business precious time, money, and resources. This is especially true if you’re planning to build a professional-looking website that visitors will enjoy using. It won’t be as easy as choosing a template, uploading photos, and providing text. The good news is : building a website from scratch doesn’t have to be a headache. When you have a clear picture of the scope of work it takes to build a website, you can make an educated decision about what’s right for you. That’s why we’ve broken down what the actual cost of a website is – from sheer time to technical skills. When you use this guide, you’ll be equipped to choose the best process to build a website that converts casual visitors into buying customers. Building a Website: The Scope of Work Building a website isn’t as simple as dropping some headlines into a WordPress template. It actually takes a massive scope of work to create a website that grows your business. When you’re building a website, you’ll need: Branding Copywriting Web Design Web Development Images and Graphics Technical Support Depending on your website’s specific needs, you could get into a whole list of other add-ons. For example, setting up an ecommerce store or enabling online booking can require some heavy-lifting from a tech standpoint, which will add time and money to your bill. The process can be pretty intense, so you must determine exactly what you’re looking for before you begin your website journey alone. Should You Build Your Website On Your Own? If you need a website, you have a choice to make. Do you build your website on your own, or do you hire someone to do it for you? Let’s take a closer look at how much time and money it will actually cost you to build a website on your own. If you choose to build a website on your own, you’re going to reap the benefits of full customization. You get to handpick the fonts, words, design, layout, and functionality on your own. At the same time (unless you’re a tech-wizard), you’re signing yourself up for months of frustration. You’ll have to resize images, build graphics, create compelling copy, and you may even end up having to learn to write some code! Building a website on your own is doable, for sure; you can learn virtually anything you need online. But the entire experience can become a bit of a nightmare, and the technical difficulties that you will inevitably encounter can become overwhelming. Let’s compare the costs of using some of the most popular website builders right now.
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